Our CSAs
Signups are OPEN for our awesome Summer CSA! Forms are available in the store or online. We prefer to process CSA Signups in the store during our open hours. However, feel free to mail your completed signup form with a check written to Dave’s Natural Garden. Our CSA tends to sell out by early April (so please call before mailing checks after April 1). Look below for more information on how our unique and easy Summer CSA works.
Our Winter CSA is a traditional CSA with pickups every other Saturday 9AM-1PM November-February. Signups for Winter 2024-2025 will begin August 1 2024. Signup forms will be available in the store or online when they have been updated. Feel free to check out last year’s form for more details on how it all works. Please be aware that this CSA is limited to only 35 participants, and renewing members are given the first shot at signing up. We generally have very few shares available for new participants, and they sell out FAST. If you want to participate, please stop by the store in early August.

Our Summer CSA does not require you to take a box of pre-selected vegetables. You can pick and choose the produce you want on the day that you want it. Most CSAs have fruit or flower “add-ons” for an additional cost, or require you to pick “labor intensive items” (like peas, beans, cherry tomatoes, etc). However, these items are always included in the CSA here, as long as they were grown on the farm. There are no required pickup times; you may stop by any time during our summer business hours: 9am-6pm Monday through Saturday, and 9am-5pm Sunday. You may even split your purchases between multiple visits over the course of the week. In general, only produce grown at Dave’s Natural Garden is included on the Summer CSA.
and a spectacular assortment of hanging baskets, houseplants, annuals, perennials, vegetable and herb starts for your home.